wordless wednesday

I haven’t done a Wordless Wednesday in a while, so I figured I’d make the time to do one today (ok, so its ALMOST wordless)!!

I’m sure this is obvious, but one of my favorite things to do at Disneyland is meet characters. Here are some of the fun characters we met on our last trip to Disneyland (Oct. 2010).

(click any image to enlarge)

Click the icon above to hop along and see lots more Wordless Wednesday Disney posts!


6 thoughts on “wordless wednesday”

  1. Cute pictures. I love meeting them too. And I LOVED having my little girl meet them. Seriously it was the BEST! You will LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Brenika loves all Disney so it was so fun to have her meet them. She LOVED Mickey… seriously was so smitten. I can't wait to take her again!

  2. One day I hope to go back during Halloween. Think that would be so fun. I love your pic with halloween mickey and minnie.

  3. Deb @ Focused on the Magic

    Love your pics! Meeting is a favorite of mine too. You two are such a beautiful/handsome couple!!
    I'm so glad you joined us today for WW:)
    Deb @ Focused on the Magic

  4. These are so great! I love all the characters decked out for Halloween! Thanks for sharing them 🙂

  5. I LOVE your pics! We are going around Halloween time this year but aren't going to Mickey's Halloween Party… just cannot figure out if the steep price of the ticket is worth it for us. My husband and I are at odds over it. Your photos almost tip the balance, though…

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