sharin’ the memories

I realize that I have been REALLY bad about updating the blog about Scarlett. I thought when I first had her, that would be all I’d be blogging about!! But I’m not doing the best job! So, for those who like to keep abreast of the latest happenings in the World of Scarlett, you’ll be pleased to hear I’m going to make a conscious effort to blog more about the babe.

My dear friend, Shantell, let us borrow her Jumperoo, much to Scarlett’s delight. She loved it right away, but wasn’t jumping at first. She’d sit and play in it though, and loved all the animals and lights and music.

But her world got even more exciting and she fell even more in love with the Jumperoo last Friday when she realized what it’s really for . . .

Seriously, Josh and I had total parent-googley-eye as we saw how cute she was jump jump jumping. Her chubby little legs hopping up and down. She’s just our whole world and we can’t get enough.

7 thoughts on “sharin’ the memories”

  1. Josh, Morgan, and Our Kids

    So now that we are moving to Utah…you're going to start posting more about Scarlett?? After all these months that I've been dying for more pictures and videos! Ha! 🙂 She's seriously the cutest little thing! I can't wait to hold her!!

  2. I can't see the video (I'm at work) but that little baby of yours to adorable! I can't believe she is 6 months already. We REALLY must get together soon! Let's meet up for lunch on a Friday or Saturday soon and bring the girls!

  3. Morgan's moving to UT? I bet your excited! You know I love that little sweetie of yours. She is just so adorable! We need to hangout soon. I was gonna tell you that if you feel like she's getting taller then you can make the jumper higher. Call me & I'll tell ya how.

  4. What a happy baby! She is so cute. I remember all of those first moments… and how entertaining they can be. They are such wonderful entertainment for mommy and daddy's.

  5. My nephew would love a jumperoo! We get so tired because all he does is jump around. Although now he crawls and stands and moves around a lot too.

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