My Year In Pockets – January 2015

It’s time! It’s time!! I get to show you what I’ve been working so hard on.

There’s so much I want to say, feelings I want to share. I feel overwhelmed and not sure where to start. I guess I’ll start with the beginning.

“My Year in Pockets” sprang from my desire/need to have cute new journal cards and embellishments each week as I document and record my own family’s day-to-day life. I’m not calling “My Year In Pockets” a ‘class’ because I don’t know how much actual teaching I’ll be doing. But what I do know is this: MYIP is going to be an ADVENTURE. A journey. One I hope you’ll join me for.

Documenting your life in a scrapbook can be a daunting process for anyone. Throw in a job, a family, other hobbies, travel (ahem, Disney), outside responsibilities and it starts to feel somewhat impossible to accurately and completely scrapbook each year. Am I right? Enter: “My Year in Pockets”.

Each week we’ll do our best TOGETHER to document and record! I’ll show you how I do it. And you can do it like me, or you can do it your own way!! Whatever works for YOU. This is about your needs and your memory keeping.

The Nitty Gritty: Each month I will release a new “My Year in Pockets” bundle. The bundle will include a full kit – papers, alpha, elements and of course the ever-important JOURNAL CARDS! Each product will be available individually, or sold in a bundle at a discounted price (the usual way of things here at Britt-ish Designs). Individually the products would total $12.50. Purchased in the bundle you only pay $8.99 (a 28% savings). That’s the normal deal when I release new products, so that all probably sounds familiar.

Now, here’s where it gets exciting . . . you can purchase to the year-long “My Year in Pockets: 2015 Subscription”. You make a one-time investment of $89.99 and you get ALL 12 months of the My Year in Pockets bundle – a $150 value – so already you’re getting 40% off every bundle. PLUS every month you’ll you get a newsletter from Britt with tips, tricks, inspiration, ideas, AND bonus freebies! On top of that, you’ll receive access to our new My Year In Pockets Members-Only Forum – a place where we’ll chat, hang out, inspire, assist, share progress and successes.

“My Year in Pockets: 2015 Subscription”

Ok – let me break it down for you:

If you become a subscriber here’s what you’ll get TODAY:

* “My Year In Pockets: Weekly Card Templates”
* “My Year In Pockets: Basic Templates” (regular and rounded)
* ALL the amazing new January 2015 Products (see below)

Emails containing the first month’s fantastic MYIP newsletter, exclusive freebie, and access information for the Members-Only forum will be delivered to your inbox directly. Emails start going out on Monday (01/12/15).

Ok – let me get to the product – the real GEM of this whole hoopla! I hope you guys like this stuff as much as my team and I do!! We are all pretty much over-the-moon for it. Keep in mind, if you aren’t going to jump in and be a subscriber, EVERYTHING is sold in the store separately just like normal.

“My Year In Pockets (January 2015): Bundle”

“My Year In Pockets (January 2015): Cards”

“My Year In Pockets (January 2015): Embellishments”

“My Year In Pockets (January 2015): Papers”

“My Year In Pockets (January 2015): Alpha”

OK!! That’s the January collection. Fun, right? ALL of that is included in the January bundle AND of course, in the subscription!

Also included in the subscription (but not in the January bundle) are two MORE products I think you might like. These are products that are truly straight out of my scrapbooks!! The templates I created for my own use AND the weekly number cards I have been using all this past year!

“My Year In Pockets: Basic Templates”

And of course, I had to do rounded corner versions because I am sticking with my rounded corners!!

“My Year In Pockets: Basic Templates Rounded”

These pocket templates are tried and true. I’ve printed Shutterfly books with them and they have just enough of a gutter (blank border edge) around them to not get cut off, and still look awesome! They are easy to modify, rotate, or customize. Trust me, they make pocket style scrapping a snap.

“My Year In Pockets: Weekly Card Templates”

Numbering your weeks just got SUPER easy (and cute!). Included in this pack you’ll find 3×4 AND 4×6 templates, with separate PNG numbers to plop onto the card every week. I included a link IN the download to where you can find the same (free) font I use to do my dating, in case you like it enough to do yours just like it.

Alrighty – that’s all the new product I have for today. I am happy to say I’m “current” on My Year in Pockets (MYIP) 2015! Here is my Week 1 using all the new stuff!! (click my layouts to enlarge)

(oh YEAH!! Gia started walking! If you wanna watch the video I put on my layout, you’re welcome to!)

Please enjoy these layouts from my team . . .

by Wendy

by Shantell

by Melissa

by Melinda

by Kelsy

by Justine

by Jan

by Fonnetta

by Erica

by Cami

by Denise

by Natasha

by Julie

by Becca

Ok – I think that’s it!! If you have any questions about My Year In Pockets, PLEASE leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer. I can’t wait to start this journey with all of you!!

If you’re as excited as I am about documenting your year, I really hope you’ll consider investing in the year-long membership. I know it’ll be a driving force behind getting your scrapping DONE!

Now get going and scrap your week in pockets!

6 thoughts on “My Year In Pockets – January 2015”

  1. This looks amazing. I'm still new to photoshop and scrapbooking (I used a digital scrapbooking program before), but I think this could definitely keep me motivated to scrap a whole year!

  2. Ok, so now that January is almost finished and I'm officially HOOKED, I can't wait for Feb release!!!

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