Brand New Blog Challenge

Hello! Hello! It’s been a few months since we had a blog challenge. I got burnt out and bored of the Flashback Challenges, and since I’m in charge around here, I decided to shake things up.

Each month I’ll do whatever type of challenge I feel like! HAHAH!!!! So we’ll get a good mix going of fun ways to inspire and improve in our scrapping. So this is the challenge for February . . .

I found this ADORABLE image on Pinterest. But like many frustrating pins, it didn’t lead anywhere. After some more digging, I found a great article by Las Vegas photographer Meg Meyer explaining more about this magical photo shoot (not to mention more photos!). Turns out the photographer is a fellow Disney nut and the adorable couple, Josh & Lisa are too (obviously)!


The engagment photos were part of day-long shoot and was a renactment of their real engagment, which took place previously in the exact same spot during a showing of World of Color. So, even though it was just a reanctment, I still think these images are so magical! I even got to swap a few emails back and forth with Meg and found out that these incredible photos were noticed by the official Disney Weddings Blog and were featured there as well! Sigh . . . what I wouldn’t give for a professional photo shoot in the Happiest Place on Earth.

So, I decided I would use these cute photos to create a color scheme for a Color Swatch Challenge!


1) Use the color swatch below to inspire a layout using Britt-ish Designs products. I repeat – use the color swatch to INSPIRE your layout. It doesn’t have to be these EXACT colors. Just get close!

2) Post your layout in the Britt-ish Designs Challenge Gallery.

3) Come back to this post and leave a comment with a link to your layout.

One randomly drawn layout will win a $15 GC to my shop!

Entries are due by midnight (MST) Thursday, February 28, 2013.

Here are some products in my shop that might help you on this Color Swatch challenge. (These are just suggestions – obviously you can use any Britt-ish Designs products you want!!) And don’t be TOO strict with the color swatch. It’s just a point of inspiration for your layout.

“A Time To Remember”


“Carousel Alpha”

“Bursting With Joy: Spring”

“Spring Goodies”

“Spring Sampler”

“Let Down Your Hair”

“Let Down Your Hair: Bonus Alpha”

“Itty Bitty”

Here is the page I scrapped! I was so inspired by the colors in these photos:

And guess what. I have the best Creative Team in the world!! They whipped up some beautiful layouts using the color scheme as inspiration! So these pages should give you LOTS of ideas about how to complete this challenge:

by Becca

by Jan

by Fonnetta

by Melissa

by Erica

by Christie

by Denise

by Shantell

Gotta love those Britt Girls!! Hope this gave you a good idea of how the challenge works.

Now go scrap!! Good luck and HAVE FUN! Again – you have until midnight (MST) Thursday, February 28, 2013 to get your entries linked up in the comments.

21 thoughts on “Brand New Blog Challenge”

  1. This was the perfect challenge for me to get started digi-scrapping again! Thanks Britt! I LOVE all your products!!

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