i’ve been a bad blogger!

Oh my goodness. I had no idea it had been so long since my last post. Bad blogger!

I just thought I’d pop in today and show you some pages I’ve scrapped recently.

This one I did this afternoon while the babe was napping! I probably should have been cleaning or something, but I just felt like a scrap.

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Here’s one I did with a really crazy mix of Sahlin Studio products. This is Scarlett when she was just a few weeks old and her cousin who is just 3 months older than Scarlett. They are besties already.

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Another page using Sahlin Studio products. This is the same cousin as in the layout above. These photos were taken the morning she was born.

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Wow – apparently I’m in a cousin scrapping mood. This page is Scarlett with her oldest cousin Eden. Remember when Eden was just a tiny baby!?! Now she’s 4 years old and holding MY tiny baby!!

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Hope you’ve enjoyed these scraps!! Have an excellent evening.

3 thoughts on “i’ve been a bad blogger!”

  1. Don't worry. We all understand what life is like with a baby. I'm super impressed you're getting ANYTHING done. You're making us all look bad. Knock it off. And yes. Eden is getting SO big. Hard to believe.

  2. Josh, Morgan, and Our Kids

    So cute. In the picture of you and Marci holding the girls, it looks like you guys are holding each other's babies, instead of your own! Ha! 🙂

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