welcome to the world, baby girl!

HELLO blog world! Did you think I’d fallen off the face of the planet?! I’m FINALLY making time to sit down and share a little about Scarlett’s arrival into the world. Mama-hood is WONDERFUL and totally consuming. I do little but nurse, change diapers, sleep whenever I get the chance, and smile and stare at my baby girl.

But I know many of you are waiting to hear about how we’re doing and see some proper photos other than those on twitter.

I was induced on Wednesday morning at around 9 am. My doc broke my water and the contractions started immediately. They started the Pitocin and the contractions got even stronger. I got my epidural and had a VERY relaxing afternoon. I felt comfortable and calm. Eventually I got a weird hot spot where I could start feeling my contractions on one side. But the anesthesiologist fixed it just in time for me to start feeling some serious pressure! I had a WONDERFUL nurse, and she checked me and I was at a 10! I think it took about 7 hours to get from a 2.5 (where I started when I arrived) to a 10.

I had to push for an hour and a half and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I guess I had a really light epidural or it wore off or something because I felt EVERY contraction and it was pretty painful. My nurse and Josh were amazing and totally supported and encouraged me and helped me feel like I could do it. Just when I felt like I didn’t have anything else left to give she FINALLY came.

Scarlett Ann was born at 5:55 pm on Wed. March 16th. She weighed 8 lb. 6 oz. and was 20″ long. She had quite a rockin’ cone head, but it was covered with TONS of curly dark brown hair. We couldn’t believe all that HAIR! She was healthy and happy and totally GORGEOUS. I know we are biased, but for a newborn, she was just stunning! C’mon. Look at her. EVERY nurse, doctor, hospital worker ooohed and ahhhed over her hair and her beauty.

Our amazing families obviously thought so too. They waited a REALLY long time to get to see her. After her birth I needed some time with just my baby and Josh to catch my breath, take it all in, etc. So they just had to wait! (thanks for being patient family members)

Our hospital stay was GREAT. We were exhausted, and we pretty much had visitors ’round the clock. But I look back at that precious time and want to go back!! Having people there to wait on us, help us, being stuck in one room with my hubby and my baby. I LOVED it. Despite the lack of sleep and pain and all that. It was a very very special time for me.

So – now we’re home and adjusting to real life. I don’t feel like I’m really living ‘real’ life yet, because I don’t really have to accomplish anything each day. I just hang out with my girl. And I LOVE IT! My mom stayed with us the first week and spoiled us by waiting on us hand and foot. This week my wonderful neighbors from the church and other friends have been bringing in meals. We are so blessed to be well taken care of.

Life is easy and good. Scarlett is a STELLAR baby. She eats like a champ!! After hearing so many of my friends’ stories, I was so worried I’d struggle with breast feeding. But she latched on her very first try right after she was born and she’s been a great nurser ever since!

She’s already two weeks old!!! I can’t believe it. It’s going by really fast, just like everyone says. But we’re happy and well. I’ll try and update the blog more often. I’m just having too much fun playing mommy to get on the computer much at all right now.

Could you get anything done with this gorgeous face looking at you all day?!

Thank you all so much for your sweet comments on Twitter, your emails, your thoughts and prayers. We are so grateful for your kindness to our new little family and are so humbled by the love that’s been poured out on us.

I’ll post again soon!!

53 thoughts on “welcome to the world, baby girl!”

  1. she is so pretty! we have a newborn baby niece; she'll be 2 weeks old on friday. we're hoping she'll break the 6 lb mark then; she was 5 weeks early. her mom doesn't get a lot done either and she has an 18 month old too. i remember those days well! congratulations and enjoy your time with your precious girl!

  2. so fun to see some pics of this precious girl–I really can't get over that hair! So happy for you, Britt. I'm so glad you are enjoying your little one.


  3. Congratulations Britt! I wish I could go back when my baby was born. She was 9 lbs 1 oz and shocked us with all of the black hair! Just remember, this is the best time of your life…until she starts cooing, and then it will be when she starts sleeping through the night, smiling and ect. Hope you have the best time! You looked great in your photos and Scarlett is beautiful!

  4. She is beautiful Britt!! Congratulations again!! I love the photos of you with her, you look wonderful as a mommy!! 🙂 Enjoy every moment with that sweet bundle.

  5. Such a great update! She is just so sweet and gorgeous. I am so happy for you and Josh. Just enjoy this time because it goes so fast. Keep us updated with pics. Love seeing them.

  6. I don't ever really comment, but I want to say congrats!!! And good for you for breastfeeding! I'm glad it's easy for you, it was SUCH a struggle for us for many months, but he's 16 months now and we're still going (though I try to talk him into weaning every day now, but he just says "BA BA BA MAAAA YA!" to say to that!)! I'm just glad he got through 2 winters without being sick! 🙂

  7. Britt she is beautiful! I know what you mean about pushing – with my first two I was sure I had nothing left and then bam! there they were! I'm so happy for you and Josh! 2 weeks already?! Sheesh! Our new baby girl has the middle name Ann too – and she's had tons of hair – still does 11 weeks later! : )

  8. She's a beautiful blessing, Britt!! Just precious, so very happy for you and your new expanded family!!! Leda

  9. She is beautiful Britt and you just enjoy every second of that newborn'ness! Congrats again!

  10. Oh Britt, she's just darling and I am so glad that you are enjoying her so much. 🙂
    I have a huge box of clothes to send you, so it should be coming very soon! (I'll text you when I send it.)
    SO SO HAPPY for you and Josh!

  11. Thanks for the update! She is precious and beautiful. So happy for both you and Josh. 🙂

  12. Thanks for sharing your precious story and picture and congratulation on your beautiful little girl. Take care of yourself and rest as much as possible. I loved nursing!


  13. She is just so precious! Love her curly hair! So glad to hear that all went well and you're enjoying motherhood! Thanks for sharing!

  14. You are truly blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations and God Bless your wonderful family.

  15. Oh, she's darling, just like she should be! Huge congrats, and I'm just so thrilled for you all! 🙂

  16. I just had to pop in to say congrats to you both! She's sooo adorable with all that hair! 🙂 And I'm really happy it's all gone well!

  17. Thanks for sharing your story, Britt! And you might be biased, but she truly is a gorgeous baby!! I can't believe all that beautiful hair!!! Congratulations

  18. Congratulations again to your family & welcome Scarlett! Thanks for sharing your story with us. Much happiness to all of you.

  19. You are not biased… she truly is gorgeous! Congratulations! Sleep deprived and all, this is one of my favorite times I had with my children. Enjoy every moment!

  20. What a beauty. And ALL THAT HAIR?? Y'all are really blessed. Enjoy every minute, because next thing you know she'll be 18 and going off to college.

  21. Congratulations!1 I couldn't believe that head of hair. It's really uncommon in Utah (in my experience) to see a baby with hair. She is beautiful and I'm so glad you had a great birth experience and are adjusting to mommy-hood so well.

  22. Britt, all I have to say is Beautiful… truly beautiful… Scarlett, you, Josh, the whole story! That last picture of Scarlett is so gorgeous! I wish I had been a better photographer when my kids were born. Keep enjoying your time off with her! – Mary Kate

  23. Thanks for the update Britt. Scarlett is a beauty. Enjoy every little moment you can. It goes by way too fast.

  24. She's totally gorgeous, Britt! When my daughter was born, I mastered the art of nursing while typing. I would do speed scraps while she laid on the Boppy across my lap. It's a luxurious time of getting to know one another – hope you're soaking in every second.

  25. Congratulations Britt! Scarlett is gorgeous & you're looking great!! I can hardly believe all her hair! Be prepared if it does start to rub off. It may not, but Stella's did & I was pretty bummed. SO glad to hear that labor & birth went so smooth. And of course the breast-feeding too! Enjoy every minute of your time with her & Josh! The computer & all of us can wait. I'll be praying for sleep, rest, peace & health for the three of you!

  26. I love the picture of you, josh and baby! So sweet! Just wanted to say that I love you and think of you often. Hope that adjusting is going well. Can't wait to see more pics of baby and of course we want to see your photo shoots 🙂 I'm sure they are adorable!

  27. So wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing "YOUR" story…isn't it great to have one?!? I love all the pics and you are a beautiful family! That little sweetie just made you a Mommy for the very first time and there is nothing in the world like it! Enjoy EVERY minute…it does go by so fast! HUGS to you all! Fonnetta

  28. She's just so beautiful! Definitely take advantage of all the help and enjoy time with your precious little one; this time is so special. Congratulations!

  29. Sigh. What a beautiful family! I'm so happy for you my friend. (if you need any wise words from another mother, and someone older than you HAHA…. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy her!! Don't be pressured to starting working again, any sooner than you are ready to. You will never have these moments back. Work will always be here.

  30. She's just beautiful, congratulations again! I love that you are loving motherhood. Love watching friends falling in love with their babies, so special and sweet.

  31. Just keep staring at that beautiful child! Congrats mama….the adventure begins! Love you so much!

  32. Britt…she is so precious!! I'm so glad she is a good baby and you are all doing well…enjoy playing mommy, it's a special time! I love her hair…we had hair with all 5 of ours, and I LOVED it! Thanks for posting photos…I've been stalking your blog for a couple weeks waiting…it was worth it! Hugs! Heidi

  33. She is gorgeous! I think you have such a great attitude about not trying to get anything done a day! That was a struggle for me, I felt like the house was a mess and I should be doing something about it but the best advice is to let it go! Enjoy that sweet baby and breast feeding is a full time job so don't stress the other stuff. Of course we want to see more but put yourself first!

  34. Congratulations Britt and Josh, and welcome to the world Scarlett Ann! 😉

    Thanks for sharing this special moment, and these precious precious photos:)

  35. Ma Altoastral

    She is adorable!
    Nice family you are now! 😉
    May bring you much happiness.Greetings from Brasil.

  36. She's absolutely beautiful. Enjoy this time because it will be gone before you know it.

  37. Congratulations Brittany and Josh-what a gorgeous little girl-and I just love her name, too!

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