name that baby

As a final Babypalooza “moment” I decided it is time to finally share the name we’ve chose for our baby girl. We’ve been pretty sure of her name for a while now, and anyone who asks me in real life already knows. It hasn’t been a secret or anything, I just haven’t taken the time to write up a post about her name.

Josh & I don’t agree on many names. But when I brought this name up, he loved it. And so did I. It was not a hard choice.

So . . . the name we’ve chosen is Scarlett. Scarlett Ann. My middle name is Ann and so is my mom’s. We’re pretty positive that’s who she is. I guess its always possible that we’ll look at her in the hospital and realize we were wrong, but as of right now it just feels like that she is Scarlett.

Ummm, can I just say that the fact that my little countdown tracker on the sidebar is saying “26 days to go” is FREAKING ME OUT!! It’s so soon.

Josh & I started our three-week prenatal classes at the hospital this past week and it was really good. We have two birth & baby classes and one breast feeding class on the last week. The class this week was very informative and we both learned a ton. I guess next week we’ll be watching some live birth videos, but both of us are big whimps when it comes to medical stuff, so I’m not sure we’ll be watching everything. I know, I know, I have to actually go through my own delivery, so I’m going to force myself to watch as much as possible. Here’s hoping neither of us passes out or anything else embarrassing like that.

Anyway – I’m really happy to have shared Scarlett’s name with all of you. We call her by name pretty much all the time, and now I can do that here in the digi-world as well.

Psst . . . I hope you’ve all enjoyed Babypalooza! Today’s the last day to get the 20% discount on all baby products.

17 thoughts on “name that baby”

  1. Love it, Britt!!!! I can't wait to "meet" little Scarlett! This has been so fun. Thanks so much for sharing the name. I think it makes people get even more excited when they share in the baby news!

  2. Love that name!!! I've always liked Scarlett, ever since I saw Gone With The Wind for the very first time. Can't wait to see what little Scarlett looks like! PS I changed my daugher's name on the way to the hospital. She was going to be Holly Nicole for months, since I was due December 27th. For some reason, enroute to having her, I changed my mind, and Lauren Elizabeth popped into my head. Everyone was shocked when I told them she wasn't Holly. Had her ten days early, by the way. 😉 Good luck Britt!

  3. Beautiful name!! And I agree, it's always been a favourite since I fell in love with Gone With the Wind. It's sweet and feminine but has sass too.

  4. I love her room and I LOVE her name. I'm so excited to see pictures of her, and I'm so excited for you to be a mommy.

  5. My girl was two months early and we hadn't decided on a name yet! She was nameless for a few days in the hospital, but that's okay.

    Scarlett is gorgeous, and seems to suit your personality, at least. 🙂 So excited to meet her!

  6. I can't wait to meet Scarlett Ann! I love her name! She and Emma (yeah we are going w/ Emma for now) are going to be best friends…if Jer doesn't make us move far away!!

  7. Beautiful name Brittney!
    Don't worry too much if you cover your eyes during parts of those videos. You are going to go through it yourself but you will be on the other end so you don't haven to see anything you don't want to. lol
    I wish you all the best!!!
    Shari B.

  8. Love it! I have a Scarlet too but with only one t (because they asked me how to spell it when I was all doped up it was suppose to have two ts). anyway…LOVE it

  9. Such a pretty name, I love it!!! Wishing you all the best as you prepare to meet your daughter! Good luck!

  10. Happy Valentines Day to you and your sweet little family. I love the name Scarlett Ann. Wishing you well.

  11. Scarlett Nicholson Butts

    OMG! I love it of course, because my name is Scarlett! My mother loved Gone with the Wind and wanted her daughter to have the same strength and determination as Scarlett did. I always love to hear her tell me how she chose my name! I hope your little Scarlett will have a blessed life and enjoy her name as I have. Be careful because people ALWAYS try to spell it with one T, and I always respond with, "I am not a color, I am a person!" Good luck with everything.

  12. my rebel took over

    Beautiful name! And can I just say, just because you have to go through your own birth, doesn't mean you have to WATCH it! I am not a wimp with medical stuff, but I did not want a mirror present to see what was happening to my nether regions. I told my husband he was welcome to watch, but that I didn't need that visual for the rest of my life. My girls are six now, and I have never regreted that decision!

  13. LOVE the name Britt! So pretty and timeless! Now long now!!!! I can't wait to meet your little princess! I'm bummed I was out of town for the baby party, going to check out all the cuteness now! 🙂

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