Across the Universe

Ok – who’s seen “Across the Universe”? If you haven’t seen it – stop what you’re doing and go rent it. I’m using my movie review frame, but this isn’t really a review. It’s my attempt to stand on my soap box and SCREAM TO EVERYONE WHO WILL LISTEN that I LOVE IT and that they REALLY should see it!!!!!!!!

This movie is a musical. All the songs are Beattles songs. It’s INCREDIBLE. Seriously – I’m so in love with it. Josh and I just watched it again the other night (we own it on Blu-Ray) and I just can’t stop singing the songs in my head and thinking about it. It’s definitely artistic, and being a musical, I know it won’t be for everyone. But I really recommend giving it a try! The music, the history, the ROMANCE. Oh the romance. I can’t even explain how much I’m in love with this movie. I’m listening to the soundtrack right now. It’s an amazing soundtrack. Warning – you’ll probably have to buy the soundtrack after you see the movie! HAHA

The director/visionary/master of this movie is the amazing Julie Taymor. I did an entire research paper on Julie Taymor in college. She’s INCREDIBLY TALENTED AND AMAZING! Those of you who’ve seen it know what I’m talking about.

One cool thing about this movie is any time they could, they recorded the singing live right there while they were filming. Singing to playback on set while acting. Which makes the singing so incredibly moving and fabulous and REAL.

Sigh. See the movie. Enjoy.

12 thoughts on “Across the Universe”

  1. Sweet – it is on Instant View on Netflix!! I will watch it on my Tivo later this week (maybe tonight!)

  2. BRITT! I've never heard of this movie, I'm so so glad that you mentioned it…it sounds FABULOUS!! And I'm even more excited now that I've seen Erin's comment…

    PS. LOVE LOVE LOVE your new blog look. You are the bestest.

  3. Sold! I'm gonna have to find it – I love musicals!

    p.s. beautiful new profile pic – love that frame, and love your new header too. Clever you!

  4. Kelly (kkklatt)

    Hey Britt! Thanks for the movie review-I will have to check it out. I LOVE how you redecorated your blog-it looks awesome!

  5. I saw it a while ago on cable. I loved it so much I rewound it as soon as it was over as far back as the DVR would go (an hour.) That last screencap is my fav scene. And, yep, Julie is a genius! For anyone that doesn't know, she's the brains behind the Lion King on broadway.

  6. I love it too, not so crazy about the nudity, though. Why do they have to put that stuff in otherwise good movies?

  7. I want to see this movie but I'm pretty sure Jared won't watch it with me. I'll have to do it when he's not here. Cute new blog!

  8. I have been wanting to see this since it came out but never got to see it in the theater. I think it's showing in cable so I can't wait to catch it soon! 🙂

  9. I saw this movie when it first came out and I loved it. I am a HUGE Beatle fan, and I don't generally like anybody messing with their music, but I loved this soundtrack (esp. Jim Sturgess!!!!) If you are a Beatle fan (or not) you will love this movie. I bought it for my son and he loved it and I also bought it for my friend and she loves it too.

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