{grab bag revealed}

Ok well, its time to release a couple new products as well as reveal my grab bag. Let’s do the grab bag first. . .

Here are the items that were inside, which are now in the shop individually.

“Glam-o-Rama Gradients”

“Edge 2 Edge: Songs”

“Polkee-Dawt Alpha”

“Yippee Skippee”

And that was the grab bag! 🙂 Now . . . let me show you what I have NEW today!!!

“Word Circles”

and “All Strung Out”

Two fun element packs I know you’re going to enjoy. Here is what my team and I created with them!!

By me:

{credits here}

By the Britt Girls:

Don’t you love looking at their work?! It’s so inspiring!

Ok – well, I guess that means its time for SHOW OFFS!!!!

So many amazing LOs this week! Thanks to everyone who sent them in. Can’t wait to see what comes in next week.

All the Show Offs this week are getting my new “Word Circles” as their gift this week!

Well, I think that’s it for today! Hope you all have a great Friday. I don’t know where this week went. It seriously FLEW by! Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend. I’m hoping for a date myself!!

Peace out.

4 thoughts on “{grab bag revealed}”

  1. I love your new All Strung Out! Onto my wish list for sure! So sad I didn’t get my act together with a show off this week, but there’s always next week!!!

    Love your new stuff. Have a great weekend!

  2. I am just getting in to digital scrapbooking, but already I am a big fan of your designs. I found you when I did some searching for Disney-related items, originally, now I’ve got your blog on my feed. Great designs, I love them!

  3. Canadianmommy

    Wow!! Awesome stuff!! Loved the grab bag, and thank you for the word circles, can’t wait to use them! I’m thinking I need those “All Strung Out”s too! LOL

  4. Britt, I found you awhile back when I was searching for *Magic Kingdom* themed kits. (I live in Anaheim & have an annual pass).

    I just had to make a comment on the Yippee Skippee mini-kit because I know you'd appreciate it. Last summer we had a blast visiting the park every week and dubbed ourselves the "Yippy Skippies" because we'd scream it the entire time on Thunder Mountain. I'll be buying this kit as soon as the family budget allows, just based on that fact alone. LOL I'll throw in some of your Diz elements on the page and it'll be perfect! 🙂

    Love your stuff btw!

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