{fun things}

Tangie Baxter’s CT blog has a challenge going on where you have to scrap some sort of To Do list. As I was scrapping a long list of actual things I have to do, I completely scrapped that idea and decided to scrap this:

Fun challenge! Nothing I would have scrapped on my own, but it will be fun to look back on it and see if I really got to see all of those places in my life.

I’m also hosting a “quick hunt” on the SM team blog. Just go check it out.

And last fun thing of the day – I’ve started a Disney Digi-Scrappers Flickr Group! This is a group for all digi-scrappers who love Disney and love to scrap their Disney Pics. My hope is that it will become a place to go and look for inspiration when it comes to scrapping your Disney LOs. The pool of LOs is already filling and there are so many cute Disney creations! Warning: browsing that gallery will make you want to go to Disneyland, Disney World or on a Disney Cruise SO BAD!

Anyway – come join and post your Disney LOs!! I really want to see the group grow!!!

National Scrapbooking day is this coming Saturday. I’m planning on spending my day playing games, doing challenges and having a total scrap day at the computer! I’ve already warned Josh!! ScrapMatters is going to have a TON of great stuff going on! It’s going to be an awesome, busy, fun day! Plan on playing along! There are tons of prizes and things to be won!! (not to mention there may be a nice little sale . . . )

So, my SIL and niece are flying out tomorrow to Indianapolis for the summer. My brother is already out there. He does summer sales every summer so they leave every summer. I hate it. We’re not going to see Eden learn to walk! She’s going to do it out there. 🙁 I’m so bummed. She’s going to be so big when they come back in 4 months. Boo. They have a couple visits back to Utah planned (for Marci’s Dr’s appointments) but still. Boo.

4 thoughts on “{fun things}”

  1. Eden is so so beautiful! Love the photos you’ve taken!

    P.s. you missed NZ or Australia off your list, LOL. I’d say they would be must see places at some point too. Especially NZ, and especially the South Island of NZ – stunning scenery!! Hehe, little plug for my little country!

  2. I love this page, thanks so much for participating in our challenge! Your stuff is darling, can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

  3. Great idea to start that Disney Flick Group! And BTW, I have a few same destinations as you on my “Places to Go” list. So, maybe we could meet up on the top of one of the pyramides in Egypt or something.. 😉

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