Project Mouse: Villains Edition

Hello, Hello!!! I’m so excited to be announcing a brand new Project Mouse product today. Krista and I have been dabbling in the darker side of Disney and we are pleased to introduce . . .

“Project Mouse (Villains): Cards”

These cards were inspired by our favorite “badies”. Whether its dressing up as someone spooky and cooky for Halloween, or meeting a real live villain on a Disney vacation, these cards have just the right villain “bite” for a dark and eerie scrapbook page.

Project Mouse (Villains): Autographs:

Project Mouse (Villains): Autographs are awesome for adding those autographs to a digital page, but they are especially amazing printed out to take to the park and collecting signatures. The cards and autograph packs are on sale 20% off this weekend (ends Monday).

Of course, we’ve bundled them together for extra savings too!!

“Project Mouse (Villains): Bundle”

The layout I created with the new Villain goodies is a somewhat different kind of memory. I look back with fondness at these photos, but at the time we were so bummed – these are the villains we DIDN’T get to meet!!

And here are pages from the team. Wait ’til you see the range of pages they created with these new Villain cards – from movie night, Disney on Ice, to trick or treating, to Toontown, to a PARKING LOT sign (haha!). These cards are more versatile than you might think.

by Heather

by Jan

by Cami

by Wendy

by Melissa

by Julie

by Justine

by Melinda

by Amber (Sahlin Studio Team)

by Maribel (Sahlin Studio Team)

by Miki (Sahlin Studio Team)

by Fonnetta

by Erica

by Denise

by Kat

Aren’t these cards fun??! I have to admit, when it’s Halloween season, I just love me some Villains! Hope you’re with me!! Happy scrapping.